Nurse jobs
Found 3 Band 5, Part Time jobs using the terms '"north cumbria integrated care nhs foundation trust"'
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Prison Lead Nurse
We are looking for an experienced Registered Nurse with strong leadership skills to manage our custodial healthcare services
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Paediatric Staff Nurse
Paediatric Staff Nurse, Band 5, Cumberland Infirmary, 36 hours per week. Based at the Cumberland Infirmary, Carlisle, we are seeking to recruit an...
Special Care Baby Unit Nurse
Band 5 Special Care Baby Unit Nurse - 36.00 - Carlisle As a Band 5 nurse you are expected to provide family centred developmentally appropriate car...
Staff Nurse, Children and Young People & Paediatric A&E
Band 5 Paediatric Staff nurse 24 hours per week Children's Nurse (Band 5) rotational post, between Children and Young People's Ward and Accident an...