Mental health nurse - community jobs
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- Mental health nurse - community, South West England 35
- Community nurse, Mental health trust, South West England 3
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Nurse, Community nurse, Mental health nurse - community
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- South West England Remove selection
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Found 3 Mental health trust, South West England jobs
Band 6 Care Home Liaison Nurse - Devizes
CHLS is a well-established team, we specialize in delivering high quality interventions to people residing in care homes in the Wiltshire area. We...
Consultant Psychiatrist - West Wiltshire - CMHT
The post holder will work across two teams: The West Wilts (Functional) CMHT and Dementia Service. The CMHTs is an age inclusive service incorporat...
Consultant Psychiatrist - CMHT, Wiltshire
The Trust is seeking a Consultant Psychiatrist to work with the Sarum Community Mental Health Team (CMHT). This is a great opportunity to work wit....