Community mental health nurse jobs
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Mental health, Mental health nurse, Community mental health nurse
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- Birmingham 4
- Bradford 3
- Cambridge 1
- Coventry 1
- Derby 3
- Liverpool 6
- Manchester 8
- Nottingham 2
- Sheffield 1
- York 4
- London (Greater) 50
- South East England 85
- North West England 35
- South West England 21
- West Midlands Region 12
- East of England 13
- East Midlands Region 18
- Yorkshire and the Humber 16
- North East England 8
- Wales 30
- Scotland 1
- Northern Ireland 1
- Band 5 65
- Band 6 93
- Band 7 11
- Band 8A 4
- Consultant 60
- Doctor - other 1
- Specialty doctor 6
- Permanent 209
Acute trust
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Found 241 Acute trust jobs
Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist (Harrow Community CAMHS)
Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist Harrow CAMHS (CNWL) (attracts £20K RRP) We are currently looking for a full time (10 PA) Consultant Ch...